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Hey everyone!

I’m Afrin Anosh, and welcome to my tiny food blog.

Here you’ll find recipes that I try out or create, with the occasional update on my life; as well as short stories, poetry, or basically anything that I write and feel should be shared with the world.

I’m not a professional chef, so most of the recipes will be pretty easy to follow from any home kitchen.

Because of my mom, I’ve been in love with food since I can remember.

It first started as I watched her cook while I was seated on the kitchen counter. It grew as we watched TV shows, our favorites being the cooking shows. We’d salivate while staring at the TV, and then once it was over, my mom would try to create her version of the dishes seen on screen.
Eager to be just like her, I’d pull out all the pots and pans from the kitchen cabinets and pretend to cook, seated at the kitchen table, providing a commentary as though I was on a cooking show.

When I did start making dishes that were (somewhat) edible, my mom would congratulate me and force it down, although it probably tasted really bad. This encouraged me to go on, and the first thing I made that everyone really adored, was sausage fried rice. I would have been twelve years old, and I was ecstatic when the last spoon of rice was scooped onto a plate.

And because of my dad, I gained a passion for reading and through that, I started creating my own worlds through my writing. I’m still really hesitant about uploading my stories and poems online, but I’m slowly stepping out of my comfort zone! 

Please follow me on social media to get regular updates about any new posts.

2020. Afrin Anosh. All Rights Reserved.